Frequently Asked Questions.

Complete Carpet Restoration is all about providing customers throughout Melbourne with the latest information about our services and our industry. That is why we have listed down our most frequently asked questions for you. If there is a question you would like answered, or if you are after more information about our services, contact us directly on 0413 176 223 or fill out our Online Form, and we will get back to you ASAP.

What kind of services do you offer?

We offer a strong selection of carpet services that can be tailored to your situation. With our years of experience, you can expect nothing but the best deliver. Our services include:

  • Carpet Cleaning

  • Carpet Drying

  • Carpet Repairs

  • Carpet Restorations

  • Water Damage Carpet Services

For more information on our services, visit the “Our Carpet Restoration Services” page. For our specialised water damage services, click on our “Water Damage” page.

Do you work all over Melbourne?

Yes! Every home and property should have the opportunity to enjoy top quality carpet repairs and restoration services. That is why our services are available throughout the whole of Melbourne.

When are you available?

We work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whenever you need our carpet services, we will commit the time and team for you. That is our policy on how we work.

What about quotes?

With all services, we provide you with a free non-obligation quote. We will assess your situation and provide you with the solutions that will bring you the best results. For more information on our quotes, contact us directly.

How much are your services?

All jobs and projects are different from each other, so it all depends on your situation. But we pride ourselves on offering affordable and fair prices. With us, we want to make sure that everyone can obtain our services.


    Get in touch for a free quote!